Working in the UK
Student Housing sector



We offer strategic and operational support for universities, lenders, developers, operators and other stakeholders involved in the UK student accommodation sector.

We provide support to organisations, including universities, in optimising their approach to developing and operating student accommodation in the UK. This may involve short-term senior operational support, developing relationships with universities and other organisations, reviewing marketing approaches to maximise occupancy and supporting lenders and developers in analysing demand for potential new business opportunities.

With over 30 years experience, we have a number of strong relationships with senior professionals in the sector and introducing experts from different organisations to enhance their respective offering is a rewarding aspect of my work.




Our contribution is based upon a recognition that collaboration is key to a mutually beneficial outcome.



The need to observe and review the offers of others sharpens the mind and encourages a deeper appreciation of student’s needs.




Applaud the positives and critically review to avoid complacency. Standing still means you could be missing out on opportunities.


An experienced consultant with an extensive background in the UK Higher Education Accommodation Sector.


  • “Working with Sam on the strategy and marketing of our partnership accommodation portfolio has been a joy. He is a strong strategist and provides valuable insight with a broad knowledge of the Higher Education sector.”

    – Caryn Masters, Director of Accommodation & Commercial Services, University of Sheffield

  • “Sam’s key strengths include his deep understanding of the residential issues in the Higher Education sector, his commercial skills in a partnership and his ability to build lasting relationships.”

    – Robert McClatchey, Chairman, UPP Group

  • “Sam always approached issues with a constructive, customer facing and solution focused mindset. I would happily recommend having a discussion with Sam and his colleagues should you have any relevant business needs.”

    – Steve Denton, Chief Operating Officer and Registrar, Nottingham Trent University

  • “In his dealings with the University, Sam showed himself to be diligent, open and collaborative. A real team player.”

    – Dr Ghazwa Alwani-Starr, Chief Operations Officer, Queen Mary University of London